Welcome back to the Gaming With Gage, your podcast for roleplaying games and the periphery.

Thanks for being here.

This week I had the opportunity to sit down with Carlos Luna of Neon Rival, a Chicago based podcasting collective. You may know Carlos from shows such as The Dungeon Rats, a 5E Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast where fans of the show submit challenges for the party. Carlos has also recently joined Godsfall, a 5E Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast from the mind of Aram Vartian. You can find these and other shows at Neon Rival and find Carlos on Twitter @CarlosCrits

We talked about how Carlos was introduced to roleplaying games and some of the similarities between RPGs and Improv.

Two notes about this episode before we begin. There is a fair bit of adult language in this episode. I completely forgot to warn Carlos that it was a clean show and once we got going I just kind of went with it. If you’re at work or have young ears present maybe grab some headphones.

Secondly we went very long on this episode. Carlos is easy to chat with and I found myself losing track of time. Because of that we’re going to split this into two episodes.

So with that out of the way let’s jump into Episode 8 - Carlos Luna Part 1

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Some properties we talked about this week were

Dungeons & Dragons

Savage Worlds

East Texas University



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