Welcome back to the Gaming With Gage, your podcast for roleplaying games and the periphery.


Thanks for being here.


This week we have a very special episode for you. We’ve received a bit of feedback from listeners who are completely new to gaming and a bit confused about how it works. So to cap out season 1 we decide to actually do some Gaming With Gage. To help us out with what we’re calling our Showcase Episode, we brought back one of our most popular guests, my wife Amanda Verronneau. In this episode you’ll hear us create Amanda’s character, Agatha Nolan, as well as craft the world we’re going to play in, using Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Savage Worlds. Parts of this episode are cut together like a montage in the interest of time. Next episode, our Season Finale, will be a one session actual play with Amanda and myself. Hopefully this will be entertaining and illuminating for fans new and old.


Just so you know, Amanda was very tired and very pregnant when we recorded this. I’m so thankful to have a partner who, at 9 months pregnant and at the end of a full work week, was still willing to sit down and have play time with me. I love you Amanda and thank you.


If this Showcase  is something that sparks your interest, maybe we’ll see some more showcase episodes in Season 2, Let us know what you think on Our Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Discord!


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Now let’s jump into Episode 15 - Showcase Session 0


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