Welcome back to the Gaming With Gage, your podcast for roleplaying games and the periphery.

Thanks for being here.

I wanted to remind all of you that we now have a Discord! It’s very exciting for us to have this platform to chat with you all about some of the stuff we’re working on. If you’re interested in live conversations with me or other members of the Gaming With Gage community you can find the link in the show notes

This week I sat down with Preston Dubose of 12 to Midnight, one of the creators of East Texas University. We discussed how he got into horror gaming, 12 to Midnight

and the future of Pinebox Texas.

We’re still accepting requests for new guests and topics. Reach out to us on Our Website, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or our brand new Discord!

Please subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes and Android

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Now let’s jump into Episode 12 with Preston DuBose

Some properties we talked about this week are

Dungeons & Dragons    

Savage Worlds

East Texas University

12 to Midnight

Twitter Mentions