1000xRESIST is ostensibly a sci-fi tale about a far future society, formed after a disastrous epidemic decimates humanity. But it's a game that never stops growing, weaving a complex tapestry of memorable characters, far-reaching subject matter, poetic dialogue, and unforgettable moments both intimate and shocking. It's a dizzyingly intelligent masterpiece that I'll be thinking about for years to come.

In the roundup: the class of May 9th - Animal Well, Little Kitty Big City, Crow Country, and Cryptmaster. 

And as always, many thanks to all the show’s patrons. If you'd like to join them in supporting the show on Patreon, you can do so from $1 per month at http://patreon.com/gaminginthewild. Patrons get access to a catalogue of bonus episodes, and an invite to the show’s lovely Discord community.  

If you enjoy the show, you can come say hi on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch - find all the links at http://gaminginthewild.com.

And finally, check out this Steam curator page made by podcast supporter DovetailTrue to see if games you're browsing come pod-recommended: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/43457463-Gaming-in-the-Wild-%2528unofficial%2529.