This week on episode 341 of the GameZilla Podcast Grim, Deadite and Miggy cover

Gaming News

Cyberpunk 2077 and CD Projekt Red Catastrophe Update

Sony pulls game from digital store and offers refunds. 

Microsoft offers refund but leaves game up on digital store. Adds a warning message about bugs. 

CDPR says it will offer refunds out of its own pocket even if you played the game. 

Save file corruption issue if file exceeds 8mb

New patch 1.05 releases for PS and Xbox, PC patch coming soon.

BONUS! Episode 3 of The Price Is Right hosted by Butter Boy

All this plus the guys share their gaming moments of the week on episode 341 of the GameZilla podcast.

Make sure to catch us live on every Monday night at 7:30pm ET or if you missed us find the full video on YouTube the following day. (search GameZilla Media)