"Life's 6 Rules" - Secrets to Success - from Arnold Schwarzenegger:

1. Trust Yourself
Who are you, not what, but who? Trust yourself, believe in yourself… what makes you happy?
2. Break the Rules
You can’t be a maverick, push the boundaries, and be extraordinary if you don't break a few rules.
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
You have to be willing to fail in order to be successful. It's part of the process.
4. Don’t Listen to the Naysayers
So many people will tell you, "you can't", "it's never been done", etc... be the first to do it, and always remember that you CAN!
5. Work Your Butt Off
It’s ok to have fun, just be sure you work hard! There is no way around it; hard work leads to success!
6. Give Back
No matter what you do, when you give back, it is more meaningful and better than so many other things you will do in life.