To celebrate the launch of the podcast you’ll get the chance to see us
live, or at least in real-time on Twitch, several times this month. This
will be the normal format of the show but done live! We’ll teach you how to
make a character, how to play the game, and then play it for you. Our team
has some gloriously spooky games to haunt your fandom. We’ll be playing
Star Wars and Ghostbuster… not at the same time of course, on Happy Jacks
RPG stream and Saving Throw Show’s stream.

The Deets!
Saturday, October 12th @3pm Pacific - Happy Jacks
Star Wars from West End Games
GM’d by GM Mace. Players include Michael Holmes, Aabria Iyengar, Blythe
Kala, and Kimi

Friday, October 18th @7pm Pacific - Saving ThrowGhostbusters from West End
GM’d by GM Mace. Players include Michael Holmes, Dan Peck, and many more

Saturday, October 19th @3pm Pacific - Happy Jacks
Star Wars from Fantasy Flight Games
GM’d by GM Mace. Players include Michael Holmes, Aabria Iyengar, Blythe
Kala, and Kimi

All these streams are interactive so please feel free to say ‘hi’ and play
along at home. Some may even have join-able components.

To celebrate the launch of the podcast you’ll get the chance to see us live, or at least in real-time on Twitch, several times this month. This will be the normal format of the show but done live! We’ll teach you how to make a character, how to play the game, and then play it for you. Our team has some gloriously spooky games to haunt your fandom. We’ll be playing Star Wars and Ghostbuster… not at the same time of course, on Happy Jacks RPG stream and Saving Throw Show’s stream.

The Deets!
Saturday, October 12th @3pm Pacific - Happy Jacks
Star Wars from West End Games
GM’d by GM Mace. Players include Michael Holmes, Aabria Iyengar, Blythe Kala, and Kimi

Friday, October 18th @7pm Pacific - Saving Throw
Ghostbusters from West End Games
GM’d by GM Mace. Players include Michael Holmes, Dan Peck, and many more

Saturday, October 19th @3pm Pacific - Happy Jacks
Star Wars from Fantasy Flight Games
GM’d by GM Mace. Players include Michael Holmes, Aabria Iyengar, Blythe Kala, and Kimi

All these streams are interactive so please feel free to say ‘hi’ and play along at home. Some may even have join-able components.