Our heroes move onward and upward to part two of ‘ Secrets of Croatoan’. A secret benefactor from the Hyperion Club sends our heroes across the United States to Roanoke, Virginia to investigates a supposed haunting in the area. The adventure continues with ‘Amazing Adventures’ from Troll Lord Games. Tune in to see the gang tackle the RPG of science, sorcery, pugilistic pummeling, gun-toting, sword-wielding, B17-flying, gadget carrying adventure!

Cast Includes:

Bryan Haskell

Jay Africa

Michael Holmes
Steven Pope
Jameson McDaniel

Our heroes move onward and upward to part two of ‘ Secrets of Croatoan’. A secret benefactor from the Hyperion Club sends our heroes across the United States to Roanoke, Virginia to investigates a supposed haunting in the area. The adventure continues with ‘Amazing Adventures’ from Troll Lord Games. Tune in to see the gang tackle the RPG of science, sorcery, pugilistic pummeling, gun-toting, sword-wielding, B17-flying, gadget carrying adventure!

Cast Includes:

Bryan Haskell

Jay Africa

Michael Holmes

Steven Pope

Jameson McDaniel