From the Endangered Cover Art

Games in Schools and Libraries episode 161 is the beginning of a series where Donald and Chris talk about games that support the 2021 Summer Reading theme “Tails and Tales”. Some of these are great games about animals, some are great storytelling games that can be used to tell tales about animals, and some are both!

Before they get to that the talk a little bit about what they are doing to incorporate the Glowforge into their summer reading activities.

Game Reviews

Tiny Epic Tactics



Tails and Tales Related Games

Mice & Mystics

Cockroach Poker

Rory's Story Cubes

Untold Adventures Await


Costa Rico


One Night Ultimate Werewolf

One Week Ultimate Werewolf


Don’t forget ShushCon is in October. Check back for details as they develop.

Games in Schools and Libraries is produced in association with Inverse Genius and the Georgetown County Library System.
Games in Schools and Libraries Guild at Board Game Geek
Kathleen's resources
Email us: [email protected]

The ideas expressed in the podcast are not expressly endorsed by the Georgetown County Library System.