We are back! The unofficial start of season two finds Josh, Ty, John and Troy in the BoD Brewhaus discussing what the hell they’ve been doing for the past three months. Download here ** Listener Beware! ** GBatAo sometimes contains explicit language and themes. It’s not safe for work, children or the easily offended. GBatAo […]

We are back! The unofficial start of season two finds Josh, Ty, John and Troy in the BoD Brewhaus discussing what the hell they’ve been doing for the past three months.


Download here

** Listener Beware! ** GBatAo sometimes contains explicit language and themes. It’s not safe for work, children or the easily offended.

GBatAo theme music is by FADEBACK


Links to things we talked about (sometimes called “show notes”):

Dead Of Winter

Outbreak Undead

Star Realms

Five Tribes

Patrick Rothfuss’ Blog


Walk the Plank – Mayday Games

Tablescapes – Secret Weapon Miniatures



F.A.T. Mat – Frontline Gaming

Reaper Bones II

Maki Games

Pathfinder Online

Cancelled UPWorks Kickstarter

Miniature Building Authority – Castle 

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf for iOS

Sentinels of the Multiverse Video Game

Legendary Showdown