Serious games for corporate education & engagement, data visualization for cancer & Doom, wearable for getting help with opioid overdoses and wrap up of 2018. Continue reading →

The post Episode 221 – Doomed, I Tell You first appeared on Games At Work dot Biz.

Photo by Jens Mahnke via Pexels

As 2018 winds down, Michael and Michael get together one more time to bring you your dose of game technology used for business, and the links for this week did not disappoint.  Starting off with the Madrid company Gamelearn, Michael and Michael dig into how their ADA game shows how gamification can increase engagement and educational outcomes for businesses.

The HopeBand wearable created by Carnegie Mellon researchers is an intriguing concept to help with the opioid overdose epidemic by constantly monitoring blood oxygen levels, and signaling for help when the wearer might not be able to help themselves.

Continuing on the medical theme, scientists in Cambridge created a virtual reality model of cancer cells taken from a biopsy, allowing them to see in even greater detail the geography of a tumor.  Prof Karen Vousden of the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, runs a lab at the Francis Crick Institute in London and says how such data visualization is critical to developing new therapies.  

The data visualization of the map a Roomba robot makes of your living room can be repurposed to create a Doom level through the use of a plugin to Rich Whitehouse’s Noesis tool.

We wish you all the very best for health and happiness in 2019 and look forward to connecting with you in the coming year!

Selected Links

TechCrunch article: Gamelearn closes $5M Series A to develop video games for corporate training — 

Gamelearn ADA: Serious Game for internal communication, training and onboarding — 

IEEE Spectrum article: Wristband That Detects Opioid Overdose Joins U.S. Race for Tech Solutions — 

Wikipedia definition of Alternate Reality Game (ARG) — 

BBC article: ‘Virtual tumor’ new way to see cancer — 

Harvard Business Review article: How IBM Uses Online Games for Serious Business — 

Circuit Breaker article: ‘Doomba’ turns your Roomba’s cleaning maps into Doom levels — 

Adweek article: How Using Addressable TV Can Reduce Repetitive Ads — 

Remove Image Background — 

The post Episode 221 – Doomed, I Tell You first appeared on Games At Work dot Biz.