Michael M starts off this episode with true blast from the past, even if it was in the wrong order from the plan — how modern micro-X-ray techniques are able to bring back images from daguerrotypes that were once thought ruined.  The images of photos taken long ago are now … Continue reading →

Michael M starts off this episode with true blast from the past, even if it was in the wrong order from the plan — how modern micro-X-ray techniques are able to bring back images from daguerrotypes that were once thought ruined.  The images of photos taken long ago are now visible again, with amazing detail.

The team then turns to an MIT Technology Review article on AI, which focuses on the challenge that games present, and what can be learned from how artificial intelligence teams play those games.  The game in this case is Dota 2 — Defense of the Ancients 2, a popular e-sports game that pits teams of 5 players against one another.  This is particularly important, as it is not one AI vs one human, rather a team of 5 AIs playing against a team of 5 humans.  While the article highlights that the AI team has “started defeating amateur Dota 2 players in testing”, this success in AI collaboration has important ramifications.  Michael and Michael discuss the speed and methods of effective human team communication vs the possibilities afforded to artificial intelligence teammates playing together as a team.  Furthermore, there are interesting ideas here for how humans can be augmented with an AI who can make for a stronger team.

After discussing an intriguing idea for how unused travel reservations can be resold at a discount, preserving at least some of the investment (historically the preserve of travel insurance), Michael and Michael wind up the show talking about cars, starting with Volvo’s new subscription service for the new S80 T8 Polestar, which is only available via the Volvo app.  Between this, and the retro-future for electrifying classic cars, there are going to be many options for how people will make use of transportation services in the future — in the sharing economy, as a subscription, or refurbishing the clean, classic lines of a 1960s Jaguar E-type with an electric motor.  The remake of the 1969 The Italian Job with modern Mini Coopers springs to mind as well, as the filmmakers were required to electrify the Minis used in the tunnels, as combustion engines were not allowed (clip above).

What’s driving your thinking this week, as the US gets ready to celebrate Independence Day on the Fourth of July?  How do you think that AI is going to revolutionize work?  What do you think is going to be the next big thing in the automotive industry?  Drop us a Tweet over at @gamesatwork_biz and let us know!

Selected Links

TechCrunch Article: New technique brings secrets out of old daguerrotypes — https://techcrunch.com/2018/06/25/new-technique-brings-secrets-out-of-old-daguerreotypes/ 

MIT Technology Review article: AI algorithms worked together to crush humans in a complex video game — https://mailchi.mp/technologyreview/ai-is-starting-to-crush-humans-at-dota-2 

Dota 2 — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dota_2 

Free to Play documentary — https://itunes.apple.com/US/movie/id838598746 

Dota by Basshunter — https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dota-bonus-track/291081295?i=291081753 

The Telegraph article: New ‘eBay for travel’ lets you buy people’s unwanted holidays — https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/news/transfer-travel-sell-unwanted-flights-marketplace/ 

Transfer Travel — https://www.transfertravel.com 

Engadget article: Volvo’s subscription-only performance hybrid launches today — https://www.engadget.com/2018/06/28/polestar-volvo-s60-t8-phev-care-by-volvo/ 

CNN article:  Classic cars experiencing rebirths as electric vehicles — https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/29/motorsport/classic-cars-are-reborn-as-electric-vehicles-spt-intl/index.html 

Volkswagen’s new Beelte — http://www.vw.com/models/beetle/ 

Chrysler’s PT Cruiser — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysler_PT_Cruiser 

Ford’s Thunderbird — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Thunderbird#Eleventh_generation_(2002–2005) 

Mini Cooper — https://www.miniusa.com/tools/learning/models-build.html 

Volkswagen’s ID BUZZ — http://www.vw.com/electric-concepts/section/id-buzz/ 

The Italian Job (1969) — https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064505/ 

The Italian Job (2003) — https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317740/