Events have conspired against the co-hosts getting together recently, yet, Michael and Michael have doubled-down on their schedules to ensure the recording and publication of this episode for the US holiday weekend.  Michael R starts us off, sharing his experiences at the recently concluded Moogfest in Durham, which was an … Continue reading →

Events have conspired against the co-hosts getting together recently, yet, Michael and Michael have doubled-down on their schedules to ensure the recording and publication of this episode for the US holiday weekend.  Michael R starts us off, sharing his experiences at the recently concluded Moogfest in Durham, which was an edu-staycation for him to experience new ideas in music, art and technology close to home.  

Maps abound in this week’s episode of Games at Work!  Starting with Google’s augmented reality experience with Google Maps, featuring a cute fox animation, that causes the co-hosts to wonder what the fox might say.  Animated Dungeons & Dragons maps from Dynamic Dungeons transform a tabletop into a moving environment to lose yourself in — prompting both Michael and Michael to snap a couple pictures of their lead figures.

And what technology-focused podcast would be complete without marking this past Friday as the implementation date for the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) law — with everyone’s inbox being flooded with “we’ve updated our terms of service” notifications to comply with the new rules.  

It is great to be back in the podcasting saddle, and there is much to share and discuss!  What intrigues you in the world of mixed reality, robotics, social computing and games?  Drop us a line here or on Twitter, Facebook, or any of our other channels, as we get ready for episode 200, coming up very soon! 

Selected Links

Moogfest — 

Michael R’s Random Thoughts blog post: Moogfest day 4 and Wrap up — 

Business Insider article: Google created a cute augmented-reality fox — 

Ylvis – The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?) [Official music video HD] — 

@jdolcourt tweet on ARCore & ARKit compatibility — 

Google demos how its AR software (ARCore) can play nice with Apple’s ARKit in a virtual world. Here, a Pixel 2 and iPhone 8 Plus play the same AR game #io18 @CNET

— Jessica Dolcourt (@jdolcourt) May 8, 2018

Facebook for developers blog: AR Studio: Create & Distribute New, Rich AR Experiences with Ease — 

Kotaku article: Animated Dungeons & Dragons Boards Look Like The Future — 

@andypiper tweet on Animated D&D boards — 

One for @carolinabigblue and @michaelrowe01 Animated Dungeons & Dragons Boards Look Like The Future

— Andy Piper (pipes) (@andypiper) May 21, 2018

Dynamic Dungeons patreon site — 

More lead figures from Michael R — 

And some from Michael M — 


TechCrunch article: Facebook, Google, face first GDPR complaints over ‘forced consent’ — 

Wired article: Supreme Court Rules Against Workers in Arbitration Case — 

Laughing Squid article: Comparing the Sizes of Monsters in Video Games — 

Alto’s Odyssey — 

Honda’s Odyssey — 


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