Michael & Michael talk about the promise of bots who listen into meetings, take notes & action items on your behalf, entering them into your tool of choice for follow up.  Talk about the power of the pen — and quite a step up from “Alexa, add eggs to my … Continue reading →

Michael & Michael talk about the promise of bots who listen into meetings, take notes & action items on your behalf, entering them into your tool of choice for follow up.  Talk about the power of the pen — and quite a step up from “Alexa, add eggs to my grocery list”.

Michael R brings up the fact that we’re still in a generation 1.1 world when it comes to AR — really in the beginning stages.  Starting point will be in enterprise and entertainment before AR applications begin to really show up outside of these areas.

Intriguing question:  are the Stormtrooper’s helmets augmented reality viewing devices?  What do you think?

It’s Only A Model

Michael and Michael talk about 3D models launching off the example of Sketchfab and move quickly to the concept of integrating blockchain for provenance.

Looping back to the start of this episode, the Macworld article speculating on Apple’s work on a head up display to allow people to interact with the world through augmented reality lenses that are wearable, and not something that the user needs to hold in front of their eyes makes sense, and will be the breakthrough method to truly accelerate the use of the technology.  Do you think that this is the main hurdle to mass adoption and use?  Let us know!

Selected links 


Zoom, the 1970s children’s TV show — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoom_(1972_TV_series)

TechCrunch article: Zoom brings a dash of augmented reality and artificial intelligence to meetings in latest release — https://techcrunch.com/2017/09/26/zoom-brings-a-dash-of-augmented-reality-and-artificial-intelligence-to-meetings-in-latest-release/

Zoomtopia — http://zoomtopia.us

Meta — http://www.metavision.com

Meta blog: Check Out What Our Partners Have Achieved with Meta — https://blog.metavision.com/the-meta-2-now-supports-rendering-of-steam-vr-applications

Uncanny Valley — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley

TechCrunch article: Sketchfab’s app may be the best way to try ARKit — https://techcrunch.com/2017/09/26/sketchfabs-app-might-be-the-best-way-to-try-arkit/

Sketchfab — https://sketchfab.com

Thingiverse — https://www.thingiverse.com

Adobe Capture CC app — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-capture-cc/id1040200189?mt=8

Blockchain — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain

Camelot (It’s only a model) —

Macworld article: Why Apple is probably working on a heads-up display — https://www.macworld.com/article/3229744/consumer-electronics/why-apple-is-probably-working-on-a-heads-up-display.html

The making of Ren & Stimpy documentary Indigogo — http://www.slashfilm.com/happy-happy-joy-joy-ren-and-stimpy-documentary/

What games are the hosts playing?

Michael M: Star Trek Timelines — https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/star-trek-timelines/id1001250333?mt=8