This episode has it all — from virtual reality, to augmented reality to mixed reality to real reality. Starting off with UPS’s VR driver training for their truck fleet, journeying to the Apollo astronaut training efforts with the Zeiss Model VI Planetarium Projector and the excitement of Apple’s recent World … Continue reading →

This episode has it all — from virtual reality, to augmented reality to mixed reality to real reality. Starting off with UPS’s VR driver training for their truck fleet, journeying to the Apollo astronaut training efforts with the Zeiss Model VI Planetarium Projector and the excitement of Apple’s recent World Wide Developer’s Conference, Michael and Michael discuss the exciting developments caused Tim Cook to say that he’s so excited about it, “I just want to yell out and scream.” Michael and Michael reminisce about the early days of the US Army’s use of to provide a “real” virtual reality experience with soldiers in the field playing the roles of people at a checkpoint, to train others on the tactics being used by both regular people and enemy combatants. The video above is from the episode of The Screen Savers on the US Army’s use of

To file under the title of this episode, an octocopter drone equipped with optical recognition, recoil-handling aerodynamics and an ability to fire rifles, grenade launchers and the like is being developed. What could possibly go wrong indeed.

Closing out on a much happier note, one of the games that Michael M is excited to be playing soon is Unstable Unicorns, a Kickstarter that he backed in the early days that is now up to $672,000 in pledges, and there’s still time to get in on this fun.

Check out the show — check out the games!

Selected links

Boy Genius Report article: UPS is going all-in on VR —

Early space journeys began at Morehead Planetarium — —

ZDTVfan’s YouTube channel with old The Screen Savers episodes —

Jim Grosse on Massively Multiplayer Simulator for Asymmetric Warfare using on Tech TV’s The Screen Savers —

Patently Apple article: Apple’s Next iOS will deliver a Big Win for Apple Regarding Augmented Reality that Leapfrogs Microsoft’s HoloLens —

Bloomberg Businessweek article: Tim Cook on Donald Trump, the HomePod, and the Legacy of Steve Jobs —

Apple’s WWDC iOS 11 Wingnut AR Surreal Demo —

ARKit demo pictures from Michael R in E172 —

Magic Leap —

Wired Article: Why ‘Gorilla Arm Syndrome” Rules Out Multitouch Notebook Displays —

TechCrunch article: Minibar Delivery alcohol marketplace picks up $5 million in funding —

Somabar —

Tech Crunch article: A defense company puts a machine gun on a drone —

Daniel Suarez book Kill Decision —

What are the co-hosts playing these days?

Unstable Unicorns —

Exploding Kittens —

Imploding Kittens —