The Gamers Read crew discusses Pavane by Kieth Robers, the book of the month, in this tenth episode. To cap things off, our hosts, Joel Szerlip, Allen Kesinger, and Jonathan Miley, discuss what else they've read and play a game of Cards Against Equestria to pick next month's book.

The Gamers Read crew discusses Pavane by Kieth Robers, the book of the month, in this tenth episode. To cap things off, our hosts, Joel Szerlip, Allen Kesinger, and Jonathan Miley, discuss what else they've read and play a game of Cards Against Equestria to pick next month's book.

BOOKS OF NOTEPavane - GoodReadsSix of Crows - GoodReadsFahrenheit 451 - GoodReadsCaliban's War - GoodReadsPODCASTS OF NOTEPod Save AmericaPod Save The WorldScience VSOTHER SUNDRYCards Against EquestriaDarkCastDarkCast InterviewsNEXT MONTH'S BOOK:

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury - GoodReads

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