And so they return, Locke and Zylo, the premiere video-game podcast hosts, from their respective hiding places. And they come bearing gifts! But not the fun kind that anyone can have. Not even the kind that they share- Locke, the host of good-timing, bought a brand new headset! (on sale at the time) Zylo, the financially challenged host, missed the sale and still sounds like he speaks to you from across the hall.So be prepared! as it'll take a few moments for the hosts to get back into the swing of things as they:

rant about the many things that have occurred since last year
talk about Conviction (y'know, that "Splinter Cell" game people have been talking about)
review Bioshock 2 (xbox) and attempt to be ever so vague with the various spoilers

Listen and be amazed! Its the voices of geeks and nerds alike, combined into two respective entities.(why'd I write so oddly?? who knows... how did I lose the February episode twice? the world may never know)    ~Locke, the current louder-host-thanks-to-expensive-technology