I have to apologize to everyone. First of all I got the show up late, it was supposed to be up Friday but I ran into some problems with our new Vimeo video service so I had to render the video a second time, and secondly I say episode 36 in the show but this […]

The post Gamer On Duty Epsiode #35 – What Do You Want To See At E3? appeared first on The Gamer Access.

I have to apologize to everyone. First of all I got the show up late, it was supposed to be up Friday but I ran into some problems with our new Vimeo video service so I had to render the video a second time, and secondly I say episode 36 in the show but this is actually episode 35. Other than that we are all good, it’s Sunday morning now so hopefully you guys have some time to watch the show before The E3 Expo kicks off on Tuesday. I ran through some of the things kind of fast because I been scrambling to get ready but it’s still the same old me. Leave your comments and make sure if there is anything you guys want to know hit me up. All my contact info is below as always so feel free to contact me, Matt (Diz) (Twitter – @dizlaoboi916 and  [email protected] ) or Mike Fedor (Twitter – @Daze311) about E3. We will all be there the entire week and we plan on bringing back some things that may surprise you. We have a great community and we will do our best to serve you guys with some good stuff when we get back.

Twitter – Gameronduty
Ustream – Gamer On Duty
Email – [email protected]
PSN – gameronduty
XBL – gameronduty209

Gamer on Duty iTunes Download Link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=368594124

DOWNLOAD: Right Click and Save Link As…


What I’ve Been Playing
Michael Jordan Returns In NBA 2K11
FFIX Arrives June 15 On The PSN
Play Dreamcast Games On Your PS3 And 360 Soon
Microsoft Is Going To Cause Serious Problems, In A Good Way
Piracy Is A Problem, Whether You Like It Or Not
Stereoscopic 3D, What Does It Really Mean? (Video Explanation Below)
Does Sony Have Anything Left To Announce?
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Screenshots And Character List Look Great!
Jaffe Making New Twisted Metal Or Not?
There’s No Place Like PlayStation Home. Maybe That’s Why Nobody Goes There
Backbreaker Impressions
Nintendo 3DS More Powerful Than The PS3 and 360? You Don’t Say!
Can EA Make A Comeback And Take The #1 Spot From Activision? Survey Says……
Is The 360 Slim Real?
1 Million iPad’s Sold, 1 Million Certified Fools Confirmed
Does EA Really Still Have NFL Licensing Exclusivity? Maybe Not
E3 Predictions


| 3D Video – Stereoscopic 3D Explained | from BugTm on Vimeo.

The post Gamer On Duty Epsiode #35 – What Do You Want To See At E3? appeared first on The Gamer Access.