We return with a whole new format! We talk about our plans for video game streaming which includes retro games like Super Nintendo and Sega! You can catch some Aladdin game play on YouTube right now. Then, Jon lets us know what’s going on this weekend at Planet Comicon with Buster Props. Plus, I talk a bit about what I’ll be doing for the HPN during the convention. After that, we talk news and what we’re currently playing which includes Gears of War 4, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Super Bomberman R!

In case you missed it, we talk about the winner of our Video Game March Madness Showdown! Only one remains. Let us know what you think of the winner. We’ll give you a hint…. it’s not Mario.

Then we dive into the latest news (7:45) including the release of the official Call of Duty: WWII trailer and details.

Don’t miss the details for our two upcoming video game tournaments (13:00), one for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and one for Injustice 2.

Then we get some details about Halo 6 (16:00) and will Jon ever get another Xbox or Microsoft console?

This goes into a bit about the Gears of War franchise (20:00), including a little talk about Gears of War 4 (21:10).

And how could we do an episode without talking a bit about Zelda and the Switch (23:00)?

We continue the Switch talk with some discussion about the Super Bomberman R story mode (25:05) and whether or not it lives up to the $49.99 USD price tag, especially when put up against FAST RMX and Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

Don’t miss the closing ceremonies (29:25) as we talk about plans for video game streams.

And our iTunes contest is still going on (30:15)!

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Gamer Heroes Podcast Credits

Jon Czerwinski
Derreck Mayer

Executive Producer
Derreck Mayer

Derreck Mayer

Michael Wallace (Flying Killer Robots)

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