Previous Episode: That Book Is Racist

Who could have guessed that 2021 would be, in many ways, worse than 2020? Well, at least the video games were great. It’s been another year, so your Gamer Friends are cataloguing their favorite video game experiences from 2021. Will 2022 be any better? Probably not until capitalism falls, but there will be some great next-gen experiences!

Thank you so much for listening! As always, we really appreciate the support. Make sure to give us a rating and review, follow us on Twitter, Discord, or Instagram, support us on Patreon, and tell your gamer friends about the show! We’ll catch you back here in two weeks.


The First Link We Talk About 

The Second Link We Talk About

Who could have guessed that 2021 would be, in many ways, worse than 2020? Well, at least the video games were great. It’s been another year, so your Gamer Friends are cataloguing their favorite video game experiences from 2021. Will 2022 be any better? Probably not until capitalism falls, but there will be some great next-gen experiences!

Thank you so much for listening! As always, we really appreciate the support. Make sure to give us a rating and review, follow us on Twitter, Discord, or Instagram, support us on Patreon, and tell your gamer friends about the show! We’ll catch you back here in two weeks.


The First Link We Talk About 

The Second Link We Talk About

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