We're joined by local choombas Axel and Jess to dig into the catastrophic disaster that was Cyberpunk 2077. We'll dig into all the juicy details about its troubled development, Jason Schreier's behind the scenes expose, the launch kerfuffle, and some of the high points of what turned out to be a good but not great action RPG. So quit your gonkin' and klep a listen, or you're lookin at a flatline. 

Every week, Nirav and Alyssa are joined by a panel of  self-proclaimed experts for a deep dive into the history and legacy   of a specific game or franchise. Find us at  https://twitter.com/GameBustersPod on Twitter!  Find Nirav on Twitter  @gandheezy and Alyssa @GoBalysstic  ! Find us at https://gamebusterspod.com !

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