In episode 23 I am talking to Kate Edwards. Our talk is about people in gaming. Cause this is what makes Kate ‘tick’. She cares about the people that make the games industry (complete).

Various Topics do pass in our fun conversation about gaming and the industry;

· IGDA; how local communities can take over from this early institute;

· Union; should there be an union for gaming people;

· Culture (work ethics); how are gaming employers dealing with their staff;

· Difference between US/europe; huge difference in terms of employment;

· Labor laws Europe versus USA; tomorrow could be your last in the US, Europe more secure;

· Gameworkers unite; How they can help, find paragraph below in this article;

· Adwill employment; If you are employed at will, your employer does not need good cause to fire you. How to deal with that;

· Negative cultural force; like Poor internal communication, Micromanagement, Bad habits, Poor management and leadership etc;

· We need to help eachother; as an industry we should, shouldn’t we?

Nordic Game 2020, May 27th-29th; REGISTER NOW!

As a small side note, since we are there to support eachother, I had a quick interview with Jacob of Nordic Game. NG20 online passes for just 99 EUR, featuring three days of live streamed programming, unlimited MeetToMatch with video conferencing, loads of activities on Discord and a BIG discount for NG20+ this November – are on sale now!

About Kate Edwards;

Her absolute passion of this moment is; The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the world's largest game jam event (game creation) taking place around the world at physical locations. Think of it as a hackathon focused on game development. It is the growth of an idea that in today’s heavily connected world, we could come together, be creative, share experiences and express ourselves in a multitude of ways using video games – it is very universal. 

Kate is perhaps better known for her culturalization work in the video game industry, and her award-winning industry advocacy efforts - including her current role as Executive Director of the Global Game Jam and former role as Executive Director of the International Game Developers Association from 2012 to 2017.

During her time at Microsoft and since, she's worked on many game franchises, including Halo, Fable, Age of Empires, Dragon Age, Modern Warfare, Mass Effect and many others. She's also the founder of the IGDA's Localization SIG and co-organizer of the former Localization Summit at GDC. 

Find out more about Kate;

Global Game Jam:

Global Game Jam NEXT (for younger people):

Geogrify (Kate’s consulting work):

Her Twitter:

IF your work in gaming is not fun any more, and need help, check out this organization;

Gameworkers unite; Have you ever felt exploited by the game industry? Are you in a precarious situation? No job stability and in desperate need of support? Are you losing hope that you can work in a medium and industry you love at all? Can't stand how your fellow workers are treated? Check this site!

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