We're here as always to give you the low down on the past week in gaming. Whether it's letting you know when the Battlefield: Hardline Beta is out (hint: right now); or telling you how many Wii Us and Amiibos Nintendo has sold; or even the latest news on the Last Of Us Movie! All of that and more, including what Hideo Kojima wants from a Metal Gear Solid remake, and what ex-Bioshock lead Ken Levine will be doing next, in a packed news section.

Then, could it be? No, surely not... Gareth vs. Don?! What will happen when these two gaming juggernauts go head-to-head in a sick and twisted musical gauntlet of Rob's own creation?

Then, we talk about Alien: Isolation and Assassin's Creed: Unity and whether they're hitting the spot for Don and Rob. Oh, and we end the podcast with a 10 minute discussion of which is the best crisp. If you needed a reason to listen to the end, you just got it!

Bon appetite!

(Right-click the file and select "Save as" to download it, or left-click to listen in your browser)