It's back! The The Gamecentral Podcast! The most hipster podcast on the internet! "Oh, what podcast do I listen to? You've probably never heard of it. They only put out one episode every 3 months and it's 2 hours of barely coherent, utter crap when they do. It's fabulous."

This episode we go deep in our review of Fallout 76. You might even say TOO deep. We also review Hitman 2... Though thankfully that review is quite a bit shallower.

We also have news on the Playstation mini, Sony pulling out (of E3), Detective Pikachu, and much more news for you! Plus some other stuff that we're... Erm... Still working out the kinks on.

A new generation of the podcast? Or a podcast that's exactly the same as it used to be? The answer to both questions is, somehow, yes.

(Right-click the file and select "Save as" to download it, or left-click to listen in your browser)