Welcome to the inaugural MiniMap Awards! In this episode, Kerry and Jeremy deliberate on a bunch of hilarious and arbitrary awards! Thanks to everyone that has listened/ watched us this year. We will see you next year! 

Discussion Topic:
The MiniMap Awards


Best Elden Ring NounBest "I can't believe this game came out this year" GameBest Pivot to Open-WorldZeitgeist - Defining Game of 2022Best Game To Play On The Steam Deck... IF I HAD ONEThis Game Can Hang AwardWhere Are They Now?RIP Elizabeth, You Would Have Loved___They Can't Keep Getting Away With This! Best 2022 Game DelayBiggest/Strangest 2022 Moment

Make sure you head to MiniMap.com.au to watch this episode in video form, to check out all the fun new gags we can do on video!

This Episode of the MiniMapCast was streamed LIVE on Twitch! To catch more MiniMap Streams, you can head to Twitch.tv/MiniMapAu  

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Special thanks to Shook for allowing us to use their music on our podcast. You can find them at shook.bandcamp.com and twitter.com/iamshook

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