Kelly Guimont joins Brian, Monty, and Jason to discuss an action-packed first-season episode (with spoilers for the rest of the run of show, of course). In this episode, Tyrion participates in a SNL sketch that may lead to his death in one of many different ways, but instead he survives a Trial By Combat that seals this show’s ultimate character pairing: Tyrion and Bronn. Ros the prostitute heads south. Dany tries to cook an egg and eat a horse heart. Viserys gets what’s coming to him. And Jason, gray of hair, watches in horror as Ned very laboriously figures out that Joffrey is really a Lannister.

Host Jason Snell with Monty Ashley, Brian Hamilton and Kelly Guimont.

Kelly Guimont joins Brian, Monty, and Jason to discuss an action-packed first-season episode (with spoilers for the rest of the run of show, of course). In this episode, Tyrion participates in a SNL sketch that may lead to his death in one of many different ways, but instead he survives a Trial By Combat that seals this show’s ultimate character pairing: Tyrion and Bronn. Ros the prostitute heads south. Dany tries to cook an egg and eat a horse heart. Viserys gets what’s coming to him. And Jason, gray of hair, watches in horror as Ned very laboriously figures out that Joffrey is really a Lannister.

Host Jason Snell with Monty Ashley, Brian Hamilton and Kelly Guimont

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Show Notes & Links

Monty's TWoP recap of this episode from 2011