"A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms," Game of Thrones' second episode of Season 8, mastered the herculean feat of bringing all our favorite characters together inside Winterfell's walls and reminding us how much we have invested in the battle to come. 

Along the way, Episode 2 gave us laughs, heartfelt moments, and one particularly steamy scene. This intersection of all the lives still living beautifully illustrated just who our on-screen friends had become over 8 seasons. Sansa Stark went from princess to prime minister. Jon Snow from bastard to badass. Arya from tomboy to terror. Daenerys from property to powerhouse. 

We'll take a Deep Dive into Podrick's song, "Jenny of Oldstones," and what it says about Jon's and Daenerys' Targaryen romance. This tragic ballad has rich roots, and Big D is following them far into the past.

Big D also uses his expert eyesight and keen military awareness (plus just reading the script) to answer a terrifying question: Just how many White Walkers are there? 

Spoiler alert: way too many.

Plus, catch a lightning round of Time to Guess, where we roll the dice and try to predict what Episode 3 will reveal.

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Theme Song - "Seven Nation Army (Epic Orchestral Cover)" - Ciaran Burch