In this episode, we talk about some of the parts you will need when you build your own gaming pc. We know the struggle everyone is going through to find some of these parts, and the lengths and amount of money people are willing to spend to get them. unfortunately, we can't offer any solutions, but we do rant a while about why we think there is the problem in the first place. We go down the rabbit hole a little bit and discuss things we really have no idea about but have a lot of fun in the process. We hope you all enjoy it!

Ps. This will be our last episode for a while, things are getting pretty busy in our lives, and won't be able to continue the podcast for an undetermined amount of time. We really hope you have enjoyed it thus far and are pretty sad that we have to leave. Thanks for being with us for as long as you have been and we hope to see you again when we come back.