Fakhra is the founder and CEO of Hybrid Humans, the first independent game studio in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Some of her titles include Hop Hop Away and Who Lurks. She also organizes game jams, and create workshops to introduce students to game design.

The incredible hunger, persistence, and passion Fakhra have for video games is truly inspiring. She worked hard to open her company, and I can't wait to see what other big accomplishments she will have in the future. My mind is blown on how she works at another job while running her own company, and still have time to help students learn about game design.

Sponsor Giveaway:

I am doing a giveaway sponsored by Game Dev Underground, a marketing and connection platform for indie developers that helps you build, finish and launch better games. The winner gets a 1-hour long indie game marketing consultation with the founder, Tim Ruswick. This is over $1,000 in value, and it can be yours! All you have to do is go to gamedevloadout.com and sign up for the email list. That's it!