William has been a professional writer since the mid-1990s and has written for some the largest and most prestigious entertainment companies in the world, including Sony Entertainment, 2K, Ubisoft, Techland, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Sega, and Top Cow. He currently works at Hangar 13 as narrative director and was the lead writer on 'Mafia III'.

Learn how to write first and build up that skill. You can challenge yourself by putting a word limit. This will force you to think more creatively. Study and learn from medias such as movies, books, and video games.

Sponsor Giveaway:

I am doing a giveaway sponsored by Game Dev Underground, a marketing and connection platform for indie developers that helps you build, finish and launch better games. The winner gets a 1-hour long indie game marketing consultation with the founder, Tim Ruswick. This is over $1,000 in value, and it can be yours! All you have to do is go to gamedevloadout.com and sign up for the email list. That's it!