Welcome to Game Club,the podcast where we play a game then sit down to discuss it (Like a book club).

Catherine, Charles and Daniel open up our second ever episode with Blackwake. Join your mateys as we discuss the news, nerd weeks, and Navy vs Pirates.


In this Episode - Blackwake

Yarr mateys, trim the mainsail, load the cannons,... but first we discuss the news.

Gaming News:


Charles  https://futurism.com/elon-musk-just-launched-a-company-to-merge-your-brain-with-a-computer/ - to combat the AI that’s coming! http://www.pcgamer.com/blizzard-reveals-starcraft-remastered-set-for-release-this-summer/ https://www.playbattlegrounds.com/main.pu - Hunger Games style battle royale https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/03/15/war-returns-to-armageddon/ - Necromunda re-release… kind of Daniel - NASA, the US space agency has partnered with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine to create a mixed reality International Space Station simulator. - https://techcrunch.com/2017/03/26/nasa-is-using-a-mixed-reality-space-station-to-train-astronauts/ Razer launched Razer Cortex, paying gamers ‘zSilver’ for playing popular games. Gamers can cash in for hardware/software/in-game purchases. - http://www.nonfictiongaming.com/2017/03/razer-launches-its-paid-to-play-service-razer-cortex/ Catherine - Mine isn’t so much news, but I’ve been exploring VR as a storytelling device. - http://vrtov.com/about/ And a $99 water bottle that tracks how much water I drink. - https://www.h2opal.com/ 


What in the Nerd have you been up to:


Game Club Game Discussion: The life of a pirate... Why long reload times are great in Blackwake... A little bit too early access for some...