Special Guest: Kyle Clark from The Nerdist Podcast and This is Rad joins us to discuss Remakes and Remasters. HD remakes?  Up-res’ed games? New Silent Hills? Does updating the graphics of a game change the experience? Should they focus on updating gameplay as well? Send your feedback to [email protected] or reach out @Gbfeature on Twitter. Guest: […]

Special Guest: Kyle Clark from The Nerdist Podcast and This is Rad joins us to discuss Remakes and Remasters. HD remakes?  Up-res’ed games? New Silent Hills? Does updating the graphics of a game change the experience? Should they focus on updating gameplay as well?

Send your feedback to [email protected] or reach out @Gbfeature on Twitter.

Guest: Kyle Clark | https://www.thisisradpodcast.com/ | @KyleClarkIsRad

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