Casual poker fans may not be familiar with the online poker pro known as “Fox”, but Chris Wallace has been making a name for himself in the world of online poker for quite some time. Wallace isn’t simply an online poker player grinding away at the tables –although he does grind with the best of them—the name “Fox” is even better known for his theoretical work, insightful articles, and his terrific results as a poker coach.

Now the poker world will become even more familiar with Chris “Fox” Wallace. For his latest endeavor he has teamed up with Adam Stemple to author the new No Limit Holdem strategy book, No Limits: The Fundamentals of No-Limit Holdem.

At 227 pages, No Limits is broken up into 16 chapters with 3 Appendices and a Glossary, giving you plenty of material to digest. Each chapter also contains multiple sample hands, so you can see each concept in action. Although shorter than other poker primers, there is very little fluff in this book, and you’ll likely need to read the book multiple times, and will pick-up something new on each reading.

Before you even get to the quality of the advice, one thing you will notice immediately is the quality of the book itself. Little expense was spared in the printing process, including full-color depictions of playing cards in the sample hands, something I wish every poker book contained.