Elements of Poker

Beyond statistics, beyond whether to raise, call, or fold, Elements of Poker reveals a new world of profitability for your bankroll and your life. You know tilt costs you money, but do you know how to make it go away? You know position is important, but do you know how to cash in that knowledge? Elements of Poker will teach you all of this and much more. Published in 2007, Elements of poker has been extremely well-received by the poker community for its fresh perspective, grand scope, humor, insight, and tilt reduction teachings. Tommy Angelo is a top tier poker coach, poker writer, and philosopher. Join professional, winning poker players like Phil Galfond, Ed Miller, Simon Munz, Lee Jones, and David Benefield in reading the book that Jay Rosenkrantz calls the best poker book ever.

A Rubber Band Story and Other Poker Tales

A Rubber Band Story and Other Poker Tales collects the best articles, blogs, and stories from Tommy Angelo's last 12 years of writing and showcases them with eighteen new introductions and afterwords. Here you'll find poker war stories from his years as a pro, poker fiction, ruminations on poker rules, and more – including a strong selection of articles on tilt, the author's signature topic. The new commentaries, found only in this volume, take you behind the curtain on Angelo's history and writing process. New readers will appreciate the humor and fresh perspective on poker, and existing fans will enjoy the exclusive commentaries as well as having a convenient collection of Angelo's most popular material.

From the author:

“Poker is not a game to me. It’s a religion. I have beliefs I can’t prove. I have saints I revere. Countless times I have held vigils all night and into the next day, seated patiently at the oval altar. And then there’s the reading I do from the ancient scrolls, and the sacred rituals I perform, and the holy lingo I speak, and of course there’s the bonded brotherhood. It’s a religion, no doubt. My elders taught me the ways of poker as a child, and I have been a faithful practitioner ever since. And I have been blessed. The poker gods saw to it that I survived 17 years as a professional poker player, despite severe degenerate tendencies, or perhaps because of them. And that’s just the beginning. I’ve had the good fortune to coach 70 players from around the world, mostly pros. My first book, Elements of Poker, has been shown much love. And my video series, The Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment, won the Best Series Award at DeucesCracked.com. What happens next? I think I’ll have lunch.”