Bi-Count Blackjack is for serious Blackjack players. It's a  system of card-counting that lets the player track 36 cards from a deck with ease while telling the player how best to play out each hand. Multiple deck play will actually add to the players advantage.It is superior to plus/minus card-counting systems with running counts that are virtually impossible to follow and with betting patterns that give you away as a counter as well. It provides a wealth of information which will change the way you play your game. With Bi-Count Blackjack you are in control. You know what the deck(s) have in store for you. You can anticipate receiving a Blackjack, a high 2-card hand, or either a "make" card for you as well as how to play out the hand. With Bi-Count Blackjack you don't double down or split pairs unless it's to your advantage. You don't hit a 'stiff' or stand when the dealer has a 3,4,5, or 6 unless it's to your advantage. You don't surrender or take insurance unless it's to your advantage to do so. The Bi-Count Blackjack system comes in a 62 page spiral-bound book filled with Blackjack analysis including the weaknesses of Basic Strategy as well as those of most counting systems. Over 40 tables explain the fallacies of card-counting systems with "index" numbers. It explains the "defensive" deck characteristics used by casinos and tells you how to anticipate a winning hand on more than a "ten rich" deck. It tells you of the fallacies of making larger bets into a "ten rich" deck when the next hand is actually a disadvantage to your winning. Bi-Count Blackjack has an answer for "defensive" deck techniques and prepares you for the high/low deck and "streaks" that play havoc with a 10-card counting system. Only a limited amount will be sold. Right now only available at Gamblers Book Club, not available at Amazon.