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Tour With Spotify:
๐Ÿ‘‚Listen: The Battle of Galveston
๐Ÿ‘‚Listen: Kuhns Wharf
๐Ÿ‘‚Listen: The Old Galveston Custom House and Courthouse
๐Ÿ‘‚Listen: Texas Heroes Monument
๐Ÿ‘‚Listen: Quick History of Galveston

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Hendley Row:
Library of congress images of the Hendley Building
Galveston historical Foundation

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The Hendley building also known as Hendley row. Constructed between 1855 and 1859, this building or buildings are the oldest commercial structure on Strand. If you look at the front of the building from Strand, you will see that the structure is actually four separate units divided by granite blocks. If you look closely on the granite dividing blocks, you can see the initials of the building owners carved into the granite. The row of buildings was built , in order to facilitate the busy Kuhnโ€™s Wharf and to be utilized as a headquarters of a shipping line between Galveston and New York City. New shipping lines were a common occurrence in Galveston in the late 1800s. The Hendley building was used to initiate the confederate armies attack on the union Navy on New Yearโ€™s Day 1863. On the 20th St. facing side of the building, you will be able to spot cannonball or shell damage on one of the granite pillars. The Hendley building has been home to warehouses, offices, produce distributors, banks, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and even the Galveston historical foundation in recent years. Now, the building is home to many shops for locals and tourist to enjoy on the Historic Strand!

Key Words: Galveston, Texas, History, Island, Beach, cruise, cruise ship, vacation, Henry Rosenberg, Fountains, East End Historic District, Strand, Seawall, Bolivar, Houston, Audio Tour, Audio Guide, Free Tour, Free in Galveston, Hendley Building, Civil War, battle of Galveston, Strand, Avenue B, Harborside, Kuhn's Wharf, Shipping Line, Confederate Army, union Navy, Cotton Clad, Warehouse, Army Corps of Engineers, Tourists, Historic,

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