Previous Episode: #7 - Election 2020

Episode Lineup:

[0:04] - Election Fallout

Election night was quite the wild ride and its not over yet. Expectations were crushed on both sides, skepticism over the integrity of our election system looms, and a bitter power struggle in the courts is being teed up as we record this show. We give our thoughts on the initial election fallout as of Thursday November 5th. 

[11.18] - Election Reform Ideas

One thing we learned from the 2020 election is that our voting system needs upgraded. When the country is divided, election margins become razor thin and claims of fraud and malpractice spread like wildfire. We weigh the pros and cons of each measure in our theoretical election reform amendment.

[27:48] - Bridging the Political Divide

Why are our politics so ugly? The 2020 election brought the degree of our current political divide into perspective. The American people are fundamentally at odds with what kind of people they want to be, and what sort of society they want to live in. Will we fall into the dangerous power games that have destroyed societies all throughout history? Or will we find a way to bridge this divide, unite, and deescalate current tensions? 

[44:15] - The Establishment Lives

The political establishment is a general term used to describe the permanent ruling class in the country. Donald Trump was universally recognized as an anti-establishment wrecking ball. If Trump loses, the Establishment will survive and renew their power under Joe Biden - the quintessential career politician. 

[54:13] - The End of Trump Populism?

Does a Trump defeat spell the end of this brand of populism? We discuss if the "own the lib" mentality can be part of a viable political strategy moving forward.

[1:04:33] -The Future of the Republican Party

If Biden wins what will become of the GOP? If Trump scratches his way to victory, we populism gets 4 more years and the strategic battle between ideological conservatives and establishment republicans gets kicked down the road until 2024.

[1:12:40] - The Road Ahead

The 2020 Election was the ugliest in recent memory, and its not even over yet. Heated court battles are inevitable and this election might be contested for several weeks. We discuss the road ahead if Joe Biden can stave off Trump's legal challenges.