Episode line-up:

[0:00] - Biden-Harris Paternalism

We discuss how paternalism is fundamentally flawed and repugnant political philosophy, and why the Individual must always exist at the center of this relationship. 

[7:34] - Democrats Demand Medicare For All

When faced with the question, "how do we provide the highest quality healthcare to the greatest number of people?" many immediately point to the need for a single payer, medicare-for-all system. Can we help remedy the inequities and suffering of existence without creating massive government programs?

[17:07] - Democrats Demand Student Loan Forgiveness

Democrats sound off on an ambitious policy to forgive $1.6 trillion in student loan debt. In this renewed wave of enthusiasm, tribal partisans are displaying an eagerness to act but an unwillingness to try and understand why we got into this situation in the first place.

[27.12] - The Great Compromise: Student Loan Crisis

The student debt crisis presents an opportunity for statesmanship and great political compromise. Republicans should support the abolition of all federal student loans in exchange for completely ending the federal government's involvement in education.

[33:58] - Educational Industrial Complex

The Federal government's experiment in education has failed the American people. We explain how the Education Industrial Complex got us to this point.

[43:22] - COVID-19: People Are Easy to Lead, but Hard to Drive

Dr. Fauci comments on how the American people's independent spirit is getting in the way of medical efforts to combat COVID-19, and suggests that it is now time for you to "do what you're told." This independent spirit Dr. Fauci bemoans is at once the safeguard and glory of the American people. We are easy to lead, but hard to drive. We have submitted to the leadership of medical experts and made unprecedented scarifies to our way of life over the past nine months, but we will not be driven by medical experts to give up on living. It's one thing to tell people to wear masks and practice social distancing, it is a whole different thing to tell self-respecting people to cancel Thanksgiving.

[49:34] - COVID-19: Maintaining Federalism

When nations are struck by a crisis, fear often creates a desire to consolidate power and authority. Surprisingly, state governments have so far taken the lead in our response to the COVID-19 crisis, and the principle of federalism has held fast. Will we see more national decrees under a Joe Biden administration? 

[54:47] - COVID-19: Separation of Powers on the State Level

A free people cannot live under indefinite executive decrees. At some point, governors need to invite the legislative branch into the discussion, so the people can voice can be reflected in each state's COVID response strategy.

[59:52] - COVID-19: Civil Disobedience

Governors, after nine months into the pandemic, are still excluding the people's representatives from having a say in shaping the state's COVID response strategy. Furthermore, some governors are refusing to back down even after the judicial branch rebukes their authority as unconstitutional. Inevitably, as people continue to live under indefinite executive decrees, instances of civil disobedience and non-compliance will become more frequent.

[1:04:12] - COVID-19: Hypocrisy

Over the past nine months, executives across the nation have been issuing executive orders. From declaring some businesses non-essential v essential to curfews, to this and that. Executives don’t seem to be taking the pandemic seriously as they are constantly violating their own rules. If l