Our politics are in crisis. Things seem to be falling apart and everyone is frustrated for some reason or another. Unfortunately, America's political landscape is an evolving patchwork of messy labels and confusing dynamics, so it is quite difficult to put our finger on the source of our troubles. Trying to make sense of America's political landscape is paramount because, in order to overcome a crisis, we must have the discipline to truly understand it. 

Our analysis begins by looking at the basic power dynamic at play in every society. On the one hand, the "Conservatives" are those who have established cultural and political hegemony. Conservatives aim to preserve the society that they control and dominate. On the other hand, "liberals" reflect those on the peripheries of power. Liberals aim to challenge the established order of things and act as reformers, restorationists, and even revolutionaries. 

To gain an accurate understanding of America's political landscape we need to drop our prior view of "Conservative" and "Liberal" and apply these labels properly. We hope to identify the true conservatives and the nature of their cultural and political power. In addition, we will try to identify the various liberal groups and some of the means they are employing to challenge the Conservative hegemony.