If we look around, it certainly appears that the woke narrative has ascended into a golden age. These post-modern idols seem to be towering over our society casting their shadow over everything: media, corporations, pop culture, schools, politicians, the United Nations, and even institutions like the military and the intelligence community. If there is any doubt as to how prominent the woke narrative has become, we just have to look at the severity of the social ostracism inflicted upon those who blaspheme against it.

But has the golden age of wokeness and these other ideologies already come and gone? Is it possible that these narratives have slipped into the twilight years of their glory? Let us take a hammer to these post-modern idols and listen carefully to what we hear. Is there anything lasting, anything of substance inside these structures of belief? When we tap them with our hammer does a harmonious echo ring out? Or does the note fall flat? How firmly are these idols actually rooted in the minds of men? Do they wobble if we give them a push?