Last week in France, a group of retired military generals signed an open letter imploring President Macron and other members of the French government to address the “mortal dangers” facing their nation. The signatories of this letter accused their political leaders of not only failing to enforce existing laws but also dishonoring their culture and history.

It is not clear at this time what will come of this. Will the generals put down their pens and draw their swords? It seems very unlikely. Recent polling found that 70% of French people felt that their country was declining, and nearly 50% agreed with the points expressed in the letter. With this broad level of support, a peaceful political solution certainly seems possible.

It is important to note that these sentiments are not uniquely French. All across Western “liberal” democracies, more and more people are becoming dissatisfied with the elites leading their politics and culture. The Establishment + Woke hegemony seems to be more interested in deconstructing Western heritage than rallying behind it. Increasingly, Western peoples are told to look at their flags and histories and feel shame instead of pride.