Labels help us understand our place in the political landscape. Generally, there are three different types of political labels: positional, ideological, and practical. 


Conservative and liberal are positional labels that distinguish those who hold cultural and political power from those who do not (or to a lesser degree). Left and right are ideological labels that encompass all the different theories explaining how we should live and why. Lastly, Republican and Democrat are practical labels that ideas must inhabit to get something done within the political landscape.


The Establishment + Woke hegemony are the explicit conservatives in today’s political landscape. Part of their genius is how they have been able to hang on to the “liberal” label despite exercising dominance over both culture and politics. These semantic labels may seem pointless in the grander scheme, but the liberal label is a form of power in and of itself. Whoever holds the liberal label is on the offensive and associated with “progress.” Those who hold the conservative label are naturally on the defensive and associated with “maintaining the status quo.”


If a successful challenge is to be mounted against the Establishment + Woke hegemony it will be essential to apply these positional labels properly. The New-Right should not be afraid to take up the liberal label and pin conservatism on the hegemons. This will give the New-Right an archetypal advantage, as they will be seen as the artists, pioneers, and heroes progressing forward to storm the citadel, confront the leviathan, and bring prosperity, freedom, and happiness to the realm.


The Conservative label is dead weight. Continuing to bear it not only distorts the positional reality of today's political landscape but also denies liberty-minded people the archetypal advantage against the Establishment + Woke hegemony. Rather than taking black pills and sinking into bitter resentment against our fellow citizens, or getting too comfortable romanticizing the paltry remains of a bygone age, revitalizing the liberal label will snap us out of these delusions and inspire a profound sense of purpose, action, and adventure.