For the New-Right, Red States are really one of the only remaining institutions from which the Establishment + woke hegemony can be challenged. So when the deep-red legislature of South Dakota sent a bill that would prohibit transgender women from competing in female sports to the governor's desk, the New-Right was expecting an easy cultural victory on this salient issue.

Governor Kristie Noem was a rising star in the GOP due to her resilient stand to keep South Dakota open amidst the COVID pandemic; however, she refused to sign the bill and sent it back to the legislature fearing that the current version would get eviscerated in court on TITLE IX grounds.

While it was easy (and perhaps in the end correct) for the New-Right to pooh-pooh Noem's appeal to prudence and just dismiss her as a coward, this whole episode should instead lead us to acknowledge the terminal impotence of the Republican Party over any single governor.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Noem mentioned the need to "build coalition of support," but this kind of support is what a strong and vibrant party should already be bringing to an issue like this. National Republican leaders and other Governors of other Red States should be running to Noem and the South Dakota's legislature’s side. The GOP would make sure they get the job done and martial the legal & financial resources necessary to assuage any of her doubts. If Noem continues to balk, then you have your answer to the prudence or cowardice question.

As a politician trying to win on this issue, you would rather have the wind of an entire national party at your back than the wind of a legal defeat spearheaded by the governor of South Dakota and Herschel Walker.

This whole episode with Governor Noem leaves a heavy ultimatum for the New-Right to consider moving forward: if they want to be the master's of their own fate and have any chance of combating the Establishment + Woke hegemony, they must wrestle with either taking control of the GOP or rivaling it with a new party.

If the Republican party was founded by a band of liberty-minded dudes riding around on horses in the woods of the early Midwest, imagine what we could do today? We have billions in capital to draw from, millions of disaffected citizens, and modern communication tech. And beneath all of that, we have the most compelling and unifying story to tell. The world is watching and wondering: what’s stopping us from becoming the masters of our fate?