We talk to Sean Pertwee from Gotham and Lucy Carless and Dino Fetscher from Human. Sean talks about wrapping Gotham, working stateside and how making his own way as an actor hurt his Dad at first but ultimately made him proud. Then we talk to Lucy and Dino about groaning up Human for Lucy who started on the channel 4 show young. Dino working with Russel T Davies and they both give their pitch to be on Doctor Who. All this and we feature highlights from their panels.

Listen to us every Thursday in podcast form or every Friday on http://kryptonradio.com/ at 11am

& Midnight BST (UK) / 3am and 4pm Pacific time (US). Other time zones are available!

Gallifrey Stands can be found at on twitter @DoctorSquee, by email [email protected], on stitcher, iTunes, The Tangent-Bound Network, Satchel Player & http://gallifreystandspodcast.podbean.com & on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481026762176392/

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