Executive Director Karl Monger and  VetRec Nick Ostrowski discuss the importance of raising awareness for Veteran's transitional struggles. Creating campaigns that are connecting civillians to veterans in order to change the narrative. Impacting fundraisers like VetRec's Million Meter Row are changing the way the our country sees veterans. Roughly 20 veterans a day commit suicide nationwide, according to new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs — a figure that dispels the often quoted, but problematic, “22 a day” estimate yet solidifies the disturbing mental health crisis the number implied.” Our purpose is to raise money and awareness for United States Military Veterans. In its third year, the Million Meter Row brings together 40 teams each rowing 25,000 meters to reach 1,000,000 meters for the day on Concept2 stationary rowing machines. June 1st, 2019 Million Meter Row. -WRAP 

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