- We discuss the Live Action Star Wars TV Show by Jon Favreau (https://io9.gizmodo.com/jon-favreaus-live-action-star-wars-show-will-be-set-in-1825951046).

- We then discuss the possibility of a Obi-Wan Kenobi standalone movie (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5716737/Mark-Hamill-Ewan-McGregor-bring-Force-Hollywood-world-premiere-Solo-Star-Wars-Story.html).

- After the Commercial Break, The GalaxyCast Team reviews Season 4, Episode 14 and Episode 15 of "Star Wars: Rebels" titled "A Fool's Hope" (http://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/1392975/star-wars-rebels-4x14-a-fools-hope), and "Family Reunion - And Farewell" (http://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/1392976/star-wars-rebels-4x15-family-reunion-and-farewellhttp://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/1392974/star-wars-rebels-4x13-a-world-between-worlds).

Parody Advertisements Included in this Episode:
- Retro Star Wars radio commercial*
- JS Abernathy Dental*
- Vintage Kenner Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Poster*
- STAR Productions Advertising

* PLEASE do not go to ANY of these advertised sponsors. They are parodies and are meant for humor ONLY!
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