- We discuss the Lord of the Rings Amazon TV Series (https://nerdist.com/amazon-lord-of-the-rings-expensive-rights-my-precious/).

- We then talk about the New Mutants movie and the turn it has taken (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSp1dM2Vj48).

- We also discuss "A Star Wars Story: The Solo Movie" (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-5418259/Film-producer-sues-Lucasfilm-Star-Wars-fan-convention.html).

- After the Commercial Break, The GalaxyCast Team reviews Season 4, Episode 12 and Episode 13 of "Star Wars: Rebels" titled "Wolves and a Door" (http://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/1351956/star-wars-rebels-4x12-wolves-and-a-door), and "A World Between Worlds" (http://www.tvmaze.com/episodes/1392974/star-wars-rebels-4x13-a-world-between-worlds).

Parody Advertisements Included in this Episode:
- Retro Star Wars radio commercial*
- Cartier Ad (SNL)*
- Vintage Kenner Star Wars Ewok Village Playset*
- STAR Productions Advertising

* PLEASE do not go to ANY of these advertised sponsors. They are parodies and are meant for humor ONLY!
If you would like to advertise with us or have us produce advertisements for you, email us at [email protected]