In which Galactic Suburbia is 8 years olds. We're reading independently, making friends in Grade 3, and eating CAKE.

This episode is best consumed with cake, especially if you tweet, email or message us to say exactly what you're eating.


Alex: blueberry and orange ricotta cake with French Earl Grey syrup

Tansy: blueberry marscapone cakes

Alisa: super fancy hot chocolate (but also blueberry and ricotta cake the day before)


Tansy’s Kickstarter launches on Wednesday March 14 - the Return of the Creature Court.

Who Against Guns legal fundraiser, initiative of the Doctor Who podcasting alliance.

Rachel Talalay's piece on the epic #metoo women's panel at Gallifrey 2018.

Whovian Feminism's breakdown summary of the same panel.

The YA Hugo thing that just happened (breaking news as recording)

Nominate for the Hugos NOOOOW!


Alisa: BLACK PANTHER; Casanegra: A Tennyson Hardwick Story, Blair Underwood, Steven Barnes, Tananarive Due; short stories by Rjurik Davidson

Alex: Basically, the Norma. Also Time Was, Ian McDonald; Firefly and Serenity rewatch.

Tansy: The Girls at the Kingfisher Club, by Genevieve Valentine; Voltron Season 5, Jessica Jones is coming. (first episode reviewed here)

Please send feedback to us at [email protected], follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook, support us at Patreon - which now includes access to the ever so exclusive GS Slack - and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!