I'm finally starting to feel better! AND MY DRIVER'S LICENSE WITH MY NEW PICTURE AND NEW LEGAL NAME FINALLY CAME IN THE MAIL! I was worried about looking bad in the photo, but I look beautiful. And I'm actually really glad I had to take a new picture because it represents who Jieun Ko is. I look sophisticated. I look deep. I look strong. I look firmly rooted in who I am. This photo represents all that I've been through over these last four years — cancer, death, so much loss, and grief. I see so much pain in this photo, but I also see an immense amount of strength. Seeing my driver's license reminds me of the long road I've been on to being Jieun and becoming Jieun — it started in 2021, and we are still on this journey, but in 2024, I got my driver's license to officially reflect back to me exactly who I am: Jieun Ko. I FEEL AMAZING! I feel so proud of myself.

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