Happy Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, friends. 🌼

In honor of this month, for the next 10 days, Greg and I are giving away a free and exclusive gift to every person that joins our Patreon Community.

Between May 21 and May 31, every new subscribing Patreon Member — all tiers included — will receive a dandelion enamel pin made by New Jersey-based South Asian American artist, Rubeena Ianigro.

Here are the 4 steps to becoming a Patreon Member:

① Go to our Patreon page: patreon.com/jieunandgreg
② Choose a membership tier
â‘¢ Enter your payment info and subscribe
④ You’re in! Your dandelion pin is on its way 💌


June is going to be a really hard month. June 16 is Father's Day. June 26 is the 9-month anniversary of 아빠's death. June 30 is 아빠's birthday — he would be turning 64. And June 30 is also the day we met with 아빠's neuro-oncologist, after his final brain CT scan, and found out that his cancer had spread to his brain stem, and likely other places in his body, which we ended up confirming a week later. June was when my dad started dying. I don't know how, but I will survive it. But it will be a hard fucking month for me, for us.